lunes, 30 de abril de 2018

Soft rains will take away the problems

After working with the story ´´There will come soft rains´´, we made a presentation, where we included the themes, tone , and settings of the story.
 I worked with Isabella Galafassi.

viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

Travelling back in time...

After working with the Tsar of russia, we made a profile of facebook, where we included personal information of him. Here i live mine....

viernes, 6 de abril de 2018

Organización de la ciudad eterna

En la clase de Historia relizamos un mapa conceptual sobre las instituciónes de las repúblicas. les dejo el mío...

miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018

Don´t Lie!

After working with connectors in the Writing class, we wrote a short dialogue about a boy that lied to his parents about his exam´s result.
 We tried to include as many linkers as possible...

- ´Andy! What you did was wrong! You have to tell the truth although you´re going to be in trouble´.

- ´I know but if my parents find out that i have lied to them inabout my exam´s results the are going to punish me inmediately´.

- ´Besides i am going to tell them today´.

- ´Andy, you said that last week and you´re still lying to them. Your punishment is going to to be light if you tell the truth soon´.

- ´It´s okey Tony, don´t worry so much about my matters´.

-´Andy of course i´m worried! You´ ve been lying since the day i met you!´.

- ´Ok, you are right´.

- When Andy arrived home...

-´ Hi mom! I wanted to tell you that i wasn´t being honest with you about my english exam. I told you that i´had passed the exam but it wasn´t true, i failed. However i got a ten in my math´s exam´.

-´ Andy first of all congrats for your math test, and second you´re in trouble. We will discuss your punishment as soon as your dad gets home. You know that i don´t like lies and you can always tell me the truth´.

-´ Okey mom. I´m sorry!.´


Pequeños aprendices, grande científicos!

Luego de haber trabajado con distintas teorías sobre los modelos atómicos, realizamos una línea del tiempo explicando cada una de ellas. Para finalizar incluímos fotos y videos para enriquecer el trabajo.

Equilibristas triángulares!

En la clase de matemática, dibujamos un triángulo sobre un cartón, luego trazamos sus medianas y marcamos el punto notable. Para finalizar con este trabajo colocamos el compaz o el dedo sobre el baricentro y comprobamos su equilibrio, es decir que obtuvimos un resultado correcto ya que el triángulo permaneció recto.