viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017

Thomas Edison child hood

In class we read a story of Thomas Edison, here i live a short summary of this story:

       Thomas Edison was one of the best inventors of the world. He was born in 1847 in Milan, Ohio.
He was very curious and he loved reading scientist books.
When he was three he fell off the grain elevator, because he wanted to know how the elevator worked. Some years later he triyed to sat over an egg to help a chicken come out of its egg.
When he was seven his mother took him out of school and taught him at home, because his teachers thought that he asked stupid things.
When he was ten he set the basement on fire because he was doing one of his experiments.
At the age of twelve he sold candies and newspapers, because he wanted to earn money for buying chemicals for his experiments. Later on he became electricity and chemistry.

Thomas Edison

1 comentario:

  1. Carola, your summary is good even though there still are some problems.
    A person cannot become electricity and chemistry, they can become an electrician or chemist. Also, we didn't read a story, we read an article.

    Mark: 8
